Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Recent Posts

Mar 16, 2010

Litigation Holds: Do You Need an 18-wheeler or a Scooter?

My friend Brett Burney wrote an interesting column for Law Technology News about legal holds, specifically focusing on legal hold

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Mar 11, 2010

EDna is Still Reeling in Suitors and the Press is Interested

Much as I want to move on to other subjects, the EDna challenge has generated a lot of mail. Another suitor

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Mar 10, 2010

How Scary is Electronic Discovery?

Yesterday, John and I had the pleasure of presenting a CLE on Ethics and E-Discovery to the National Alcohol Beverage

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Mar 08, 2010

EDna Has Multiple Suitors!

In my last post, I asked if the EDna challenge created by Craig Ball had been met.  One suitor for

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Mar 04, 2010

Craig Ball's EDna Challege: Has it Been Met?

Our friend Craig Ball created quite a stir with his EDna challenge, involving an old school chum with a small

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Mar 02, 2010

The Rebellious Millennial Employees: We Love the Evidence They Provide

So you have a policy against social networking on work computers? Who cares? Probably not your Millennial generation employees. 45%

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Feb 26, 2010

Sedona's Attempt to Put a Brake on Lawyer ESI Brawls

Lawyers are a pugnacious breed. Cooperation is contrary to the nature of most lawyers. They prefer to be engaged in fisticuffs.

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Feb 25, 2010

Court Warns Lawyers to Scrub Metadata Before PDF Conversion

Hat tip to friend and colleague Carl Roberts who sent along the following e-mail from the U.S. District Court for

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Feb 23, 2010

Engage the Jury: Presenting Electronic and Computer Forensics Evidence at Trial

The title of this post is also the title of an excellent article in Wisconsin Lawyer by noted litigator Bruce Olson.

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Feb 19, 2010

U.S. Law Firm Network Penetrated by the Chinese?

It's not often I say "Wow" when reading a security report. But it happened recently when I read a report

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Feb 16, 2010

Was the Photo of JFK's Assassin Faked?

Conspiracy theorists have long held that this famous photo of Lee Harvey Oswald, President Kennedy's assassin, was faked. If that were true,

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Feb 11, 2010

Where Have All the Jury Trials Gone?

As EDD folks know, computer forensics experts rarely go to trial.  We were closely questioned by a paralegal about the CVs of

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