Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Recent Posts

May 19, 2021

Cyberinsurance Giant AXA Hit by Ransomware a Week After Refusing to Cover Ransomware Payments

As Graham Cluley reported on May 17, just a week after the French branch of cyberinsurance giant AXA said that it would

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May 18, 2021

Colonial Pipeline Paid Almost $5 Million in Ransomware: DarkSide Says it is Closing Shop

As you can imagine, I’ve been reading a LOT of Colonial Pipeline stories over the last few days. By sheer

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May 13, 2021

ABA Cybersecurity Task Force Releases “Vendor Contracting Cybersecurity Checklist”

The 2nd edition of the Vendor Contracting Cybersecurity Checklist published by the ABA Cybersecurity Legal Task Force is now available. According to the

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May 12, 2021

BakerHostetler’s 2021 Data Security Incident Response Report Released

BakerHostetler’s 2021 Data Security Incident Response Report was released in May, featuring insights and metrics from the response to more than 1,250

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May 11, 2021

Colonial Pipeline Shut Down by Ransomware Attack

The Washington Post reported (sub.req.) on May 8 that Colonial Pipeline, which transports 45% of the fuel used on the East Coast,

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May 06, 2021

ABA Survey: Practicing Law in the Pandemic and Moving Forward!

Thanks to Attorney at Work for a terrific post about the ABA’s new survey entitled, Practicing Law in the Pandemic and Moving Forward.” Released

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May 05, 2021

NIST and CISA: New Resource Released – Defending Against Software Supply Chain Attacks

Nothing sexy about software supply chain attacks. But a resource that helps defend against them is worthy of note. A

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May 04, 2021

Coveware 2021 (Q1) Report Points to Small and Mid-sized Law Firms as Ransomware Targets

Released on April 26, the Coveware Quarterly Ransomware Report reports on trends during the first quarter of 2021. Of particular note to

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Apr 29, 2021

Only 8% of Those Who Paid the Ransom Got ALL Their Data Back

Help Net Security reported on April 28 that a new global Sophos report, The State of Ransomware in 2021, shows that only 8%

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Apr 28, 2021

Apple Strikes a Blow for Consumer Privacy

ZDNet reported on April 27 that those creepy highly targeted ads we see all the time may become less of a common

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Apr 27, 2021

EU Proposes Strict Regulations for Artificial Intelligence

The New York Times reported on April 21 that the European Union has issued proposed strict regulations to govern the use of

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Apr 22, 2021

How the Cyberinsurance Industry Has Reacted to Ransomware

Insurance Business America reported on April 15 that, in the past five years, the average ransom demand has soared from $15,000 to

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