Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Recent Posts

Dec 22, 2020

Cellebrite Says It Can Break Signal’s Encryption: True or False?

My day began with a look at Bruce Schneier's December 21 post about a Cellebrite post on December 10 (helpfully

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Dec 21, 2020

Places You CAN Go This Week: Take a Virtual Tour/Trip

One of the joys of blogging is that you can suddenly veer off course. And what better time than during

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Dec 17, 2020

American Bar Association Issues Formal Opinion 495, Lawyers Working Remotely

On December 16, the American Bar Association issued Formal Opinion 495, Lawyers Working Remotely. It is a quick read at

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Dec 16, 2020

Google Global Outage Caused by Critical System Running Out of Storage

You read that headline and you are incredulous that this could happen. But it did. Bleeping Computer reported on December

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Dec 15, 2020

COMPROMISED: U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Treasury, State Department, NIH, Homeland Security and the Pentagon

Graham Cluley reported on December 15 that the United States Department of Commerce, Treasury, State Department, National Institutes of Health,

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Dec 14, 2020

ROSS Intelligence to Cease Operations But Continue the Legal Battle Against Thomson Reuters

On December 11, Bob Ambrogi reported on his LawSites blog that ROSS intelligence will cease operations. ROSS Intelligence, a company

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Dec 10, 2020

Global Losses from Cybercrime Rockets to Almost $1 Trillion in 2020

The Washington Post (sub.req.) reported on December 7 that projected global losses from cybercrime are expected to hit just under

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Dec 09, 2020

Leading Cybersecurity Firm FireEye Hacked, Likely by the Russians

The New York Times (sub.req.) reported on December 8 that cybersecurity firm FireEye, often the first company to be called

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Dec 08, 2020

Ransomware Criminals Cold-Calling Their Victims if They Restore From Backups

ZDNet reported on December 5 that some ransomware gangs are now cold-calling victims if they suspect that a hacked company

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Dec 07, 2020

US Customs and Border Protection Investigated for Warrantless Use of Cell Phone Location Data

Ars Technica reported on December 3 that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) inspector general is investigating the government's use

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Dec 03, 2020

Will Amazon Enter the Legal Market? It Already Has.

Amazon seems to have been on my mind the last couple of days. A very thoughtful post from Legal Mosaic

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Dec 02, 2020

Amazon Spying on Labor and Environmental Groups

Not precisely news, but there have been new developments. On November 23, VICE reported that there are now dozens of

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