Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Recent Posts

Jun 24, 2020

Hiscox Cyber Readiness Report Says More Than 6% of Ransomware Victims Pay Up

The fourth annual https://www.hiscox.co.uk/sites/uk/files/documents/2020-06/Hiscox_Cyber_Readiness_Report_2020_UK.PDFHiscox Cyber Readiness Report 2020, published in June, reveals that more than 6% of ransomware victims pay

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Jun 23, 2020

If You Don’t Enable Multi-Factor Authentication, Crooks Will Do It For You!

As KrebsonSecurity reported on June 20, the bad guys are figuring how to use your stupidity to their advantage. You

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Jun 22, 2020

Microsoft, IBM and Amazon Won’t Sell Facial Recognition Products to Law Enforcement

Business Insider reported on June 13 that three of the world's biggest tech companies have stopped selling facial recognition to

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Jun 18, 2020

Law Firm New Matters Rise a Bit, But Revenues Are Down

Since I am yet again citing a post from Bob Ambrogi, I am glad Jim Calloway and I had him

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Jun 17, 2020

What Will Happen to Your Digital Life When You Die? Will it Go to Hell?

Too many people don't like thinking about their death. Even those who have wills/trusts have rarely prepared their digital life

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Jun 16, 2020

First There Was “Sextortion” – Now There’s “Breachstortion”

Ah, the language of this brave new world. Sextortion is where the cybercriminals send you an email claiming to have

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Jun 15, 2020

Federal Court: Cybersecurity Forensic Report Not Privileged Under Attorney Work Protect Doctrine

The National Law Review posted on June 12 that the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia

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Jun 11, 2020

Dark Basin: A Massive Hacking-for-Hire Operation

No, it's not a movie plot. But no doubt it will be. Thanks to Dave Ries for passing along the

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Jun 10, 2020

Washington Ends Limited License Legal Technicians Program

Bob Ambrogi posted some extraordinary news in his June 9th LawSites blog. The Washington Supreme Court voted 7-2 to end

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Jun 09, 2020

Legal Industry Lost 64,000 Jobs in April

Attorney at Work had a very interesting post yesterday entitled "Silver Lining from Law Firm Layoffs: Reinvent Your Career." The

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Jun 08, 2020

Three More Law Firms Breached by REvil

Security Boulevard reported on June 5th that the cybercriminals who make up the REvil ransomware gang have launched an auction

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Jun 04, 2020

CISA Releases New Cyber Essentials Toolkit

On May 29, the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Agency (CISA) released, as a follow-up to the November 2019 release of Cyber

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