Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Recent Posts

Oct 28, 2019

Los Angeles Superior Court Hacked To Send Two Million Phishing Emails

Bleeping Computer reported on October 22 that a Texas man was sentenced to 145 months in federal prison for hacking

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Oct 24, 2019

Spam Phone Calls From (NOT) A Virginia Court

As Virginia Lawyers Weekly (sub. req.) reported recently, an alert from the Office of Executive Secretary of the Supreme Court

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Oct 23, 2019

Women Overwhelmingly Targeted in Deepfake Videos (Which Have Doubled!)

Naked Security reported on October 9 that 96% of the deepfakes being created in the first half of the year

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Oct 22, 2019

Over 100 Law Firms Have Reported Data Breaches

More than 100 law firms have reported data breaches to authorities in 14 states since 2014, according to an analysis

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Oct 21, 2019

Mary Mack and Kaylee Walstad Acquire the EDRM from Duke Law

The eDiscovery Daily blog posted on October 18th that Mary Mack and Kaylee Walstad, the former executive director and former

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Oct 17, 2019

Legacy Legal Technology: When is it Time to Move On?

We have this debate with clients all the time. They cling to old technology like it's a life raft. That's

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Oct 16, 2019

2019 ABA Legal Technology Survey: Cloud Computing Highlights

We were looking forward to the publication of the 2019 ABA Legal Technology Survey, which is full of nuggets that

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Oct 15, 2019

Attorney General Barr Urges Facebook to Halt Plans for Encrypted Messaging

I suppose this was entirely predictable. As The Hill reported, in an open letter published on October 4, Attorney General

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Oct 10, 2019

Google Releases Thousands of Deepfake Videos to Fight Against Deepfakes

As Engadget has reported, Google released a pretty big dataset of deepfake videos in an effort to support researchers working

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Oct 09, 2019

Air Force Will Offer Up a Satellite to Hackers at Defcon 2020

As Naked Security reported last month, when the US Air Force went to the Defcon hacker conference this year, it

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Oct 08, 2019

Four Simple Steps to Cybersecurity: Courtesy of SANS

The October issue of the SANS "Ouch" newsletter highlights four simple steps to staying safe. Well worth reviewing for those

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Oct 07, 2019

Executive Summary of 2019 ILTA Legal Tech Survey Released

The International Legal Technology Association has released an executive summary of its annual technology survey of law firms. The full

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