Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Recent Posts

May 09, 2019

Nation States and Affiliates Behind Rising Tide of Data Breaches

ZDNet reported May 8th on one of the most striking findings of Verizon's 2019 Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR). Cyberattacks

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May 08, 2019

Time to Require Tech Competence of Judges?

Bob Ambrogi had an interesting post in Above the Law on May 6th about extending the duty of tech competence

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May 07, 2019

Updated Advice for Keeping Your Data Safe While Traveling

Naked Security had a good post on May 1st, updating some of the rules for keeping your data safe when

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May 06, 2019

Warrantless Searches of Americans' Data Rose 28 Percent in 2018

Engadget reported on April 30th that warrantless searches of Americans' data spiked 28 percent in 2018. According to an annual

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May 02, 2019

Apple Clamps Down on Companies Helping You to Limit Your iPhone Time

I am not at all happy about that headline or the story from The New York Times. One of the

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May 01, 2019

Reporters Don't Understand Cyberinsurance and That is Driving Insurers Crazy

Risk & Insurance reported on April 25th that, with respect to the Mondelez/Zurich coverage dispute over losses from the NotPetya

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Apr 30, 2019

FBI Recovers 75% of Monies Reported Fraudulently Wired in 2018

Well, that really shouldn't be the headline, but it sure was my biggest takeaway from SC Magazine's recent story about

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Apr 29, 2019

Hiscox Cyber Readiness Report 2019 Published: 61% of Firms Breached in Past Year

The Cyber Readiness Report 2019, commissioned by global insurer Hiscox, found that 61% of firms have been breached in the

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Apr 25, 2019

We are Doomed! 123456 is the Number One Password in the UK

Naked Security reported on April 23rd that 123456 is again the #1 password according to the UK's National Cyber Security

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Apr 24, 2019

Mueller Report: Backdoor Encryption Debate is Still Alive and Well

We were pleased to be quoted with several other experts in Frank Ready's Legaltech News article (sub.req.)which focused on a

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Apr 23, 2019

New NIST Publication: Vetting the Security of Mobile Applications

NIST has just released Special Publication 800-163 Rev. 1, Vetting the Security of Mobile Applications. The original document (January 2015)

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Apr 22, 2019

Government Tosses Child Porn Cases Rather Than Talk About its Torrent Tracking Software in Court

A new investigation by ProPublica revealed earlier this month that more than a dozen cases were dismissed after defense attorneys

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