Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Recent Posts

Nov 30, 2017

Artificial Intelligence: New Stats and Projections from Gartner

Bloomberg reported on November 27th that a Gartner global survey of more than 3,000 CIOs reveals that one out of

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Nov 29, 2017

Trial in Waymo v. Uber Delayed After Bombshell Allegations

I wrote about Uber's dirty laundry pile on Monday, but this pile may reach the moon – and soon. As

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Nov 28, 2017

Android Devices “Phone Home” Even When You Opt Out

On November 23rd, Naked Security reported that a new report from Quartz revealed that Google has been collecting the locations

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Nov 27, 2017

Uber Pays Hackers $100,000 to Delete Compromised Data and to Keep Quiet

Uber's reputation was pretty much in the toilet before last week's raft of more bad news and worse decisions. As

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Nov 22, 2017

Powerful Evidence in An Auto Black Box Results in Five Murder Charges

The "black box" in our cars is formally known as "the event data recorder" (EDR).  But pretty much everyone knows

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Nov 21, 2017

Florida: E-Discovery Best Practices Checklist

Hat tip to our friend Doug Austin for an excellent blog post on his eDiscovery Daily Blog reporting that the

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Nov 20, 2017

WikiLeaks: CIA Impersonated Kaspersky Labs as a Cover for its Malware Operations

SC Media reported on November 10th that WikiLeaks, under its new Vault 8 series of released documents, has unveiled what

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Nov 16, 2017

NSA Leaks of Its Cyber Weapons Leave the Agency Shaken to its Core

As The New York Times reported on November 12th, Jake Williams awoke last April in an Orlando, Florida hotel where

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Nov 15, 2017

Google Study Reveals That Phishing is More Deadly Than Data Breaches

ZDNet reported on November 10th that Google has released the results of a year-long investigation into Gmail account hijacking, which

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Nov 14, 2017

BYOD: Time to Fall Out of Love With It – Here’s Why

We spend a lot of time trying to disabuse businesses of the notion that Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is

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Nov 13, 2017

Wife Discovers Husbands Affair Midair on His Phone: Plane Forced to Land

Hat tip to our friend Greg Adams at the USC School of Law. The Guardian reported on November 8th that

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Nov 09, 2017

Suffolk Law School Will Offer Online Certificate in Legal Innovation and Technology

My friend Bob Ambrogi recently blogged about the new online certificate in legal innovation and technology that will be launched

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