Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Recent Posts

Nov 08, 2017

Virginia State Bar: Avvo Flat-Fee Service Unethical

As Virginia Lawyers Weekly (sub. req.) reported recently, the Virginia State Bar Counsel has voted, with only six dissenting votes,

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Nov 07, 2017

Facebook: Upload Your Nude Photos to Prevent Revenge Porn – Huh?

Naked Security reported on November 6th that Facebook wants you to stop worrying about your nude photos being shared by,

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Nov 06, 2017

Did AI Really Beat Big Law Lawyers in a Legal Matchup?

Yes, sort of. But read on. On November 3rd, the ABA Journal reported on a story which I thought was

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Nov 02, 2017

Explore the Newly-Released JFK Files for Free with Logikcull

Have you always wondered about the truth of the JFK assassination? Conspiracy theories abound. There was a time when I

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Nov 01, 2017

Can Algorithms Send You to Prison? Apparently, Yes.

The New York Times reported in an opinion piece last week on a fascinating and disturbing story. In 2013, police

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Oct 31, 2017

Robot Sophia Granted Citizenship, Tweaks Elon Musk

BGR reported last week that the robot Sophia, created by Hong Kong-based robot manufacturer Hanson Robotics, was awarded the citizenship

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Oct 30, 2017

It’s a Wrap: The COLPM Futures Conference on AI in Law Practice

I had the honor of co-chairing the College of Law Practice Management Futures Conference with the brilliant, witty and warm

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Oct 26, 2017

Bermuda Law Firm Hacked: Another Set of Revelations Reminiscent of the Panama Papers?

The Register reported on October 25th that the major offshore Bermuda-based law firm Appleby had admitted that it was hacked.

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Oct 25, 2017

Here’s the Link: Mistake in Use of File-Sharing Didn’t Waive Privilege

It's an old adage: Never let a computer know you're in a hurry. Yesterday, while scrambling to get to the

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Oct 24, 2017

Decision Reversed: Mistake Using File Sharing Site Didn’t Waive Privilege

A case I wrote a post about in March of 2017 has now been reversed – to the relief of

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Oct 23, 2017

Don’t Panic Over the KRACK Wi-Fi Attack: The Rules Are the Same

As security analyst Graham Cluley noted in a recent post, Mathy Vanhoef discovered what may be the biggest vulnerability of

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Oct 19, 2017

Supreme Court To Hear US-Microsoft Battle Over E-mails

USA Today reported on October 16th that the Supreme Court has agreed to hear another major case on digital privacy,

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