Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Recent Posts

Sep 27, 2017

DHS Informs 21 States That Russian Hackers Targeted Their Election Systems

Well, if that's not a scary headline, I don't know what is. SC Media reported that the Department of Homeland

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Sep 26, 2017

Deloitte Breached: Data of Blue Chip Clients Compromised

The Guardian reported on September 25th that "big four" accountancy firm Deloitte was victimized by a cyber attack that compromised

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Sep 25, 2017

“Klaatu Barada Nikto”: Do You Know What it Means?

If you don't, I won't spoil the fun of watching the 1951 film The Day the Earth Stood Still. But

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Sep 21, 2017

Nebraska Ethics Opinion Allows Lawyers to Accept Bitcoin Payments

The ABA Journal reported that, on September 11th, Nebraska issued an ethics advisory opinion allowing lawyers to accept payment in

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Sep 20, 2017

ACLU and EFF File Suit Saying Compulsory Border Searches of Laptops and Phones are Unlawful

As The New York Times reported last week, eleven people whose phones and laptops were searched at United States airports

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Sep 19, 2017

Apple’s FaceID – A Powerful Tool for Mass Spying?

Wired reported that, last Tuesday, Apple unveiled a new line of phones with one feature immediately falling under scrutiny: FaceID,

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Sep 18, 2017

Homeland Security Bans Using Kaspersky Lab Software Across U.S. Government

ZDNet reported last week that the US Dept. of Homeland Security (DHS) has issued a binding operational directive to all

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Sep 14, 2017

Gartner: Global Security Spending Will Reach $86.4 Billion in 2017

A Gartner forecast says that cybersecurity spending will grow 7% over last year to reach $86.4 billion in 2017. Spending

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Sep 13, 2017

Insiders Cause 41% of Healthcare Breaches

The Protenus Breach Barometer Report: Mid-Year Review states that there have been 233 reported data breaches in the healthcare industry

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Sep 12, 2017

Nebraska Becomes 28th State to Adopt the Duty of Technical Competence

The Nebraska Supreme Court adopted the duty of technical competence in an amendment to its rules on June 28, 2017.

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Sep 11, 2017

The Equifax Data Breach – Boiled Down to the Essentials

The problem with writing about a new data breach is that the story evolves. So if the news overtakes this

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Sep 07, 2017

The IRS Wants to Know What’s In Your Bitcoin Wallet

And that's not good news for the majority of Bitcoin users, who notoriously do not report income to the IRS.

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