Company News

John Simek Mentioned in Above the Law

March 27, 2019

Sensei’s John Simek and his involvement with the 2019 ABA TECHSHOW was recently mentioned in “After 33 Years, The ABA TECHSHOW Remains Relevant And Essential” by Robert Ambrogi in Above the Law.

Excerpt: For any conference, remaining relevant and fresh is a challenge. After 33 years, that challenge is great indeed. Whereas TECHSHOW was once virtually alone in its genre, today it competes for attendees and attention in an increasingly crowded field of conferences devoted to technology and innovation.

It also faces the challenge of attracting attendees from across a spectrum of knowledge levels, ranging from what might be called the innovation community of legal professionals who are savvy about technology and more interested in what’s coming than in what’s here, all the way to the tech newbies who are looking to learn the rudiments of using technology in their practices — and everyone in between.

Of course, no conference can be everything to everyone. And not everyone who attends will be happy with every aspect of a conference. But it struck me this year that TECHSHOW achieved the right balance — with programs and exhibitors relevant to both the innovators and the newbies and the various levels of know-how and interest in between those extremes. For that, credit goes to this year’s planning board and, in particular, its co-chairs John Simek, vice president of Sensei Enterprises, and Lincoln Mead, project manager for Canon Discovery Services.

Read the entire article here.