Company News

John Simek Quoted in Law 360 Article

May 2, 2017

Sensei’s John Simek was quoted in “How Cybercriminals Are Breaching Biglaw’s Defenses” by Ed Beeson with Law 360.

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Excerpt: John Simek, vice president of the information security firm Sensei Enterprises, remembers a startling call he got in late 2015 from one of his clients. The company had just hired a new chief financial officer. One Friday about a month into the CFO’s tenure, he got an email from his boss asking him to wire about $20,000 to an account for an offshore business. The company did a lot of wire transfers, so the finance chief quickly obliged. By the time they realized that the email was a spoof, it was too late.

Simek was brought in soon after to figure out what happened. He started digging into the scam and was stunned by what he saw. First, the email from the phony CEO was a convincing forgery. The sender’s address was identical to the CEO’s real email, except for one thing: One lowercase “l” in the domain name had been replaced by the numeral “1.” Second, the thieves had built a dummy website for the purported business receiving the wire transfer in an apparent effort to make the request look more legitimate.

Read the entire article here. [Subscription required]