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Sensei Article Featured In Mass LOMAP Blog

March 10, 2021

“Security Assessments and Pen Test for Law Firms” by Sensei’s Sharon Nelson, John Simek and Michael Maschke was recently featured as a guest blog post in the Massachusetts Law Office Management Assistance Program’s (Mass LOMAP) blog. Mass LOMAP helps attorneys licensed, or soon to be, in Massachusetts to implement professional office practices and procedures.


The Perfect Storm is Headed Your Way

The way law firms operate has undergone a drastic change over the past year, in both the physical and digital worlds. We saw law firm employees working remotely, a heavier reliance on cloud-based technology solutions and services and firms operating on a reduced budget through the economic crisis caused by the pandemic. Some law firms have thrived, while some have floundered with an inability to pivot and adapt quickly.

The new norm has created an operating environment that hackers once could only dream of. What has been proven over the past year is that cybercrime rises during times of crisis and law firms are still slow to respond. Ransomware is the number one cybersecurity threat that we now face. The perfect storm has been created and is heading towards your firm if it hasn’t arrived already.

What exactly do we mean? Users are now accessing confidential client files from their kitchen or home office through personal computers, tablets, and outdated Wi-Fi that has not had the configuration updated since the Internet Service Provider installed it. Employer-provided systems are not universal, even among the largest of firms. Users are now responsible for keeping their software and operating system patched with critical updates.

Read the entire blog here