Company News

Sensei featured in Attorney at Work

January 21, 2020

Sensei’s Sharon Nelson and John Simek were recently featured in Attorney at Work’s  “Using Ethical Hacking to Improve Your Cybersecurity” By Sam Bocetta.

Excerpt: In many ways, the cyber threats faced by law firms are similar to those faced by any small business. Law firms, however, can be particularly vulnerable to hacks and cyberattacks.

This is for a number of reasons. Law firms typically hold huge amounts of personally identifiable, sensitive information on their clients, and this can make them a tempting target for attack. At the same time, the level of cybersecurity knowledge in the average law firm lags behind that in other sectors. Law firms have been slow, in fact, to implement cybersecurity testing measures that are now widely used by other businesses. One of these is “ethical hacking” — essentially, hiring a hacker to try to access your systems or trick your employees in order to highlight vulnerabilities in your systems.

Let’s quickly review the cyber threats faced by law firms, and show you how you can use ethical hacking to improve your resilience.

See all the cyber threats here.