Company News

Sensei Pens Column For Above The Law

September 8, 2022

Above the Law  featured Sensei article entitled “Bad News About Lawyers Income – And Their Feckless Cybersecurity” by Sharon Nelson, John Simek and Michael Maschke. This article is the latest in a new monthly series entitled Cybersecurity: Tips From the Trenches  with Sharon Nelson, Esq., John Simek and Michael Maschke of Sensei Enterprises. As noted authors and lecturers, Sharon, John and Michael speak on a variety of IT, Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics subjects. They lecture throughout North America and have been interviewed by TIME, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, Reuters, many newspapers and even Oprah Winfrey’s O magazine.


Straight From the Headlines

Most of our IT, cybersecurity and forensics clients are law firms, so we were struck by new data we received that will likely interest (and depress) all lawyers.

As Reuters reported, it turns out that lawyers make less money today than they did in 2001 when inflation is accounted for.

So . . . the median annual income of U.S. lawyers dropped almost 2% from $129,389 in 2001 to $126,930 in 2020. That data comes from a paper which will be published in an upcoming edition of The Journal of Economics and Finance.

The rest of U.S. workers, again accounting for inflation, increased their purchasing power by almost 4% during the same time period.

Read the entire article here.