Company News

Sensei to Present Popular FBA Seminar

August 28, 2018

Technology in Fairfax Courtrooms: Come Kick Our Tires! is a popular seminar Sensei’s Sharon Nelson and John Simek present to the Fairfax Bar Association every year. This year, they will present it on October 16th at the Fairfax County Courthouse.
About the seminar: The Fairfax County Courthouse is continuing to add more high-tech courtrooms! Courtrooms are even being converted from the old analog systems to digital. We have updated this course to demonstrate our new wireless technology, including the ability to transmit screens from mobile devices. If you’d like to use technology in the courts, come and learn from some of the FBA’s best experts in this popular ongoing CLE. Our faculty will give you an hour of technical information and demonstrations and then attendees will have an hour to work with the technology themselves.