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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

25 Worst Passwords of 2019

February 18, 2020

It's that time of year again. CSO has posted the list of the 25 worst passwords for 2019. The post cites a report from SplashData's analysis of millions of leaked passwords found on the internet. There is a comparison chart showing the ranking differences from 2018 and 2019. Some of the oldies but goodies remain in the top spots. The favorites year after year include "password," "QWERTY," and the ever famous "123456." No wonder there are so many data breaches with such a significant amount of password reuse by some of the worst passwords ever.

  1. 123456 (rank unchanged from 2018)
  2. 123456789 (up 1)
  3. qwerty (Up 6)
  4. password (Down 2)
  5. 1234567 (Up 2)
  6. 12345678 (Down 2)
  7. 12345 (Down 2)
  8. iloveyou (Up 2)
  9. 111111 (Down 3)
  10. 123123 (Up 7)
  11. abc123 (Up 4)
  12. qwerty123 (Up 13)
  13. 1q2w3e4r (New)
  14. admin (Down 2)
  15. qwertyuiop (New)
  16. 654321 (Up 3)
  17. 555555 (New)
  18. lovely (New)
  19. 7777777 (New)
  20. welcome (Down 7)
  21. 888888 (New)
  22. princess (Down 11)
  23. dragon (New)
  24. password1 (Unchanged)
  25. 123qwe (New)

Yet another reason to use a password manager to organize all of your unique login credentials. The majority of password managers can also generate complex passwords at the click of a button.

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