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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Advice to Protect Your Webcam

March 5, 2020

We've all seen the news about hackers accessing the live stream of a Ring security camera. The sad reality is that there are a lot of users that don't properly secure their devices that connect to the internet, mostly not changing the default settings. To help secure our webcams and other devices, Naked Security reported on the recommendations from the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC). As the posting states, "…some tips on how to safely use all those easily hijacked internet-enabled cameras, be they tucked into your robot vacuum, smoke alarms, water bottles, USB power plugs, lightbulbs, thermostats, alarm clocks, wall clocks, clothes hooks, teddy bears, air fresheners, picture frames, wall outlets, baby monitors, home surveillance systems, smart doorbells, or, say, decorative bird statues glued to the bed's footboard for purposes one assumes aren't always quite wholesome."

The obvious first step is to change the default password. Next make sure you apply any updates from the manufacturer. Finally, the third recommendation is to turn off the remote access capability of your webcam if you don't use it. While you are at it, put some electrical tape over your laptop webcam too.

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