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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Annoying Cookie Banners Blocked with a Browser Extension

May 18, 2022

Most websites are legally required to get your consent for using cookies. You can still navigate the site without agreeing to cookie usage, but the banner may hide information that you are trying to view. Lifehacker has a post about a browser extension you’ll want to install. The free extension is called Super Agent and works on Edge, Firefox, Safari and Chrome. The extension allows you to customize your cookie preferences and not blindly accept them all. As an example, I only accept the required cookies and reject all of the optional ones.

Once you install the extension, it remembers your preferences and automatically responds accordingly, thereby accepting the banner. If you create an account with Super Agent, it will remember your preferences across multiple machines and browsers. You don’t have to create an account and just skip the account creation step. Super Agent is only for desktops, but the post has some other suggestions for dealing with cookies on your mobile devices.

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