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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Apple iPhone 11 or iPhone XI Ditching Lightning?

June 11, 2019

Let’s start from the beginning. Apple started with the 30-pin connector and then shifted over to the lightning connector. All of the dedicated Apple users had to spend more money (shocker) to convert to a different proprietary connector called lightning. For years, Apple has stuck with the lightning connector and refused to bend to any sort of industry standard and stayed with a proprietary connector.

Enter the USB-C standard. Read that again. A standard. Not a proprietary Apple chokehold of device connections. Perhaps Apple is finally bending from the pressure to support standards implementations. Let’s hope that USB-C is the future standard connection, including Apple devices, although I’m not confident. Frankly, I think Apple is more concerned if the next device should be called the iPhone 11 or the iPhone XI (ask SIRI what the Roman numeral conversion is) instead of conforming to any sort of standard.

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