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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Are VPNs Safe?

April 9, 2020

As more and more of us are working remotely, Virtual Private Network (VPN) usage has shot through the roof. VPNs are designed to protect your data transmission by encrypting the traffic through a secure tunnel. The problem is that not all VPNs are created equal. The other problem is that VPNs are not 100% secure despite what the majority of people think. Even though you can't guarantee that VPN traffic won't be intercepted and decrypted, it is still better than not using a VPN. Tech Viral has a good post that describes the various aspects of a VPN and what you should look for to make sure your connection is as secure as possible. Our recommendation is to pay for a VPN service and avoid the free ones. You may also want to get some help to make sure your VPN is configured correctly to maximize security.

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