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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Changing Video Layouts in Google Meet

May 18, 2020

There are a lot of options for video conferencing. Zoom has catapulted to the top of the list, especially among the consuming public. Google's offering, Google Meet, is now free to use for everyone. You no longer have to be a G Suite subscriber. Google Meet now has a feature that "copies" Zoom's gallery view. How-To Geek describes how to change the video layout during a video call.

Click the three vertical dots in the lower right corner and select the "Change layout" option. The Change Layout menu will show you the available options for viewing participants. The default is "Auto" which automatically selects the view based on the number of participants. The "Tiled" view will show up to 16 participants on a screen. A far smaller number than Zoom's 49 participants per screen in gallery view. Spotlight displays the current speaker in the entire window just like it does in Zoom.

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