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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Deleted Web Pages Accessible via Browser Extension

March 2, 2020

We've all been there. We found a reference to a story and want to access the original web page only to encounter the infamous 404 error page. Not to worry. Bleeping Computer advises that there is now a browser extension for Chrome and Firefox that helps with those deleted web pages. Many readers know about the Wayback Machine that is maintained by The Wayback Machine contains an archive of over 400 billion web pages that have been saved over time.

If you stumble upon a deleted web page, the browser extension will prompt you to view the page via the Wayback Machine. Another feature of the extensions is the ability to retrieve the original version of the web page from the internet archive. Just right click on the page and select 'Wayback Machine' to retrieve the first version of the page ever saved to More tools to make sure what is posted on the internet is never deleted.

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