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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Don’t Automatically Approve Unsubscribe Requests

August 7, 2019

As if robocalls aren't bad enough, Bleeping Computer reports an uptick in a long running scam email campaign. The latest messages have subject lines such as "Confirm your unsubscribe request" or "Client #980920318 To_STOP_Receiving These Emails From Us Hit reply And Let Us Know." We all want to stop unwanted messages in our Inbox so we may be inclined to just approve the request. Don't. The messages are designed to harvest working email addresses. Just hitting reply may launch a new email with the subject and destination address already filled in. The Bleeping Computer post has several examples of the unsubscribe confirmation requests. Some of the messages look pretty good. Generally, they all have one characteristic. They don't tell you what you are unsubscribing from. Be careful out there.

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