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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Finally – Apple Admits iPad Pro Not a Laptop Replacement

November 19, 2019

It's hard to admit defeat and come to grips with reality. For years, Apple has claimed that the iPad Pro would be the only computer you will ever need. Not so fast. ZDNet reminds us of the various marketing campaigns Apple has used to make its case. Two years ago, Apple released an ad where a devoted iPad Pro woman claimed not to even know what a computer was. "The year before, the company insisted iPad Pro was a computer and appealed to users to merely imagine what that computer could do. Microsoft burst out laughing. Yes, publicly." There are many other humorous examples given by ZDNet.

The admission came last week when Phil Schiller, senior vice-president of worldwide marketing, said, "We believe the best personal computer is a Mac, and we want to keep going down that path. And we think the best tablet computing device is an iPad, and we'll go down that path."

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