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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Forget the VPN – Long Live Zero Trust

December 17, 2019

Secure remote access using a VPN has long been the recommendation of security professionals. Users mistakenly believe that using a VPN protects their networks and data. Not so fast. As Network World reported, The traditional VPN is being replaced with a better approach to network security. The new model is zero trust.

VPNs are based on the strategy that trusted employees are on the inside and untrusted employees are on the outside. "But that model no longer works in a modern business environment where mobile employees access the network from a variety of inside or outside locations, and where corporate assets reside not behind the walls of an enterprise data center, but in multi-cloud environments." By 2023, Gartner predicts that 60% of enterprises will replace their VPNs with a zero trust network model.

A major problem with VPNs is the increasing complexity and difficulty in management. If an attacker acquires a user's VPN credentials, the attacker has full network access. The zero trust model is just that. Trust no one. Verify everyone. If you are a current VPN user, get ready for a change of access.

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