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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Huge Patch Tuesday – Apply All the Updates Now

July 15, 2020

It was a big day in the world of technology. There are a ton of updates waiting for you to install. One of the bugs took Microsoft 17 years to fix. According to a Gizmodo post, a flaw in Microsoft's DNS has been around for almost two decades. The fix for the SigRed flaw was included in its normally scheduled Patch Tuesday release. In addition, Threatpost reported that Microsoft's Patch Tuesday release includes 123 fixes, with 105 listed as important and 18 identified as critical.

"That makes five straight months of 110+ CVEs released and brings the total for 2020 up to 742," wrote Zero Day Initiative (ZDI) researchers in their Patch Tuesday analysis. "For comparison, Microsoft released patches for 851 CVEs in all of 2019. At this pace, Microsoft will eclipse that number next month. They have already passed their totals for 2017 (665) and 2018 (691)."

Besides Microsoft's release, Adobe released five patches addressing 13 CVEs in its products. Google also updated Chrome with an update that fixes 38 vulnerabilities. Bottom line…put on your patching shoes.

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