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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Increase Windows 11 Rollback Time to 60 Days

February 22, 2022

We are not recommending upgrading to Windows 11 at the present time. For those that won’t listen to our recommendation, after upgrading from Windows 10 to Windows 11, you only have 10 days to rollback to Windows 10. If you go past the 10 days without reverting to Windows 10, you’re stuck with Windows 11. Ten days is a fairly short period to make sure all of your normal computer activities will work correctly with the new operating system. If you are determined to upgrade to Windows 11, at least follow the instructions in a Techviral post to extend the rollback period to 60 days.

There are several methods to extend the rollback period. You can enter various commands in an elevated command prompt to see how many days are remaining in the rollback period or extend the number of days. Another option is to manually modify the registry. Obviously, make sure you back up the registry before making any modifications. For now, avoid the upgrade to Windows 11 if you can – otherwise, good luck.

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