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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Microsoft Teams Copies Another Zoom Feature

December 10, 2020

There are a lot of features users like about Zoom. The gallery view is probably the most famous feature that competitors have copied. Zoom supports a view of up to 49 participants on a single computer screen. Other video conferencing platforms tends to have a smaller number of participants displayed. Another sought after feature are breakout rooms. Zoom has had them for a long time and continues to enhance the breakout room functionality. Webex now has breakout rooms and PCWorld has reported that Microsoft Teams has breakout rooms too.

Meeting organizers can create up to 50 breakout rooms and participants can be manually or automatically assigned to a room. Participants can be allowed to move between rooms or be restricted to a specific room. Shocker. That's exactly what Zoom does. For now, you have to use Teams on a desktop PC in order to take advantage of the breakout room feature. Go to Teams -> Settings -> General and select Turn on new meeting experience to enable breakout rooms.

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