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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

New Keyboard for Windows Users?

June 19, 2019

It’s been a long time since there has been a major change in keyboard designs. The Windows key has been around for some time (around 25 years) now and is common on pretty much any keyboard you encounter. Perhaps that is going to change. The Verge reports that Microsoft is considering the addition of a dedicated Office key to keyboards. Like the Windows key, the new Office key would provide additional keyboard shortcuts for Office apps. It looks like the Office key would reside on the lower right side of the keyboard, replacing the second Windows key. Placement on laptop keyboards would be different since they are smaller and have less keys. Microsoft appears to be setting the dedicated Office key with the Windows 10 May 2019 update. I think the Office key is a great idea.

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