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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

No Excuse Not to Use a Password Manager

July 8, 2020

We've harped on it for a long time. There is no excuse not to use a password manager, especially since there are excellent free ones available. CNET writer Rick Broida posted his thoughts on the best free password managers. The free version of LastPass is an excellent choice. As Rick points out, "The free version of LastPass supports password synchronization. That means you can access your data on your phone, tablet and PC — a benefit that's absolutely essential if you use more than one device."

It may take a little work to import any passwords you have stored somewhere else. Also, LastPass works a little differently on iOS devices. While LastPass can autofill passwords on iOS devices, the current version of iOS will not automatically capture new ones. That means you'll have to manually enter new passwords into LastPass, which shouldn't be that big of a hassle. Supposedly, future versions of iOS will allow autocapture.

Rick's second choice for a free password manager is Bitwarden. If you elect to try out Bitwarden, you may want to investigate how to enable two-factor authentication by watching the video posted on TechRepublic.

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