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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Patch Tuesday Fixes a Ton of Vulnerabilities

March 11, 2021

Once a month Microsoft releases updates on what is known as “patch Tuesday.” As reported by Threatpost, this month’s patch Tuesday fixes 89 CVEs. Included in the release are fixes for Microsoft Exchange which is currently under attack. Dustin Childs with Trend Micro’s Zero Day Initiative said, “For all of March, Microsoft released patches for 89 unique CVEs covering Microsoft Windows components, Azure and Azure DevOps, Azure Sphere, Internet Explorer and Edge (EdgeHTML), Exchange Server, Office and Office Services and Web Apps, SharePoint Server, Visual Studio, and Windows Hyper-V.”

The update contains fixes for 14 critical vulnerabilities including seven vulnerabilities for Windows DNS server and the previously mentioned Exchange patches. Bottom line…install the updates NOW!

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