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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Users Upset About Potential Removal of iPhone Lightning Connector

May 19, 2020

Let's face it. Apple has a reputation for making changes it believes users need. First it was changing from the original 30-pin connector to the Lightning connector. Next came the removal of the headphone jack. Physical buttons are on the way out. ZDNet now reports that Apple may be removing the Lightning connector from future iPhones. The initial belief was that users would hate the change or just wouldn't care. The response was totally one sided. ZDNet published a second post that covered reasons why so many people absolutely hate the idea that Apple would remove their beloved Lightning port. The objections fall into three main categories.

  • In-car usage
  • Accessories
  • Backing up

The post goes into more detail about each of the categories, but one comment about CarPlay was my favorite. "A car is a pretty big and pretty expensive iPhone accessory." As the author points out, it is believed that the Lightning port will be removed on the high-end iPhones and not be dropped from the entire iPhone line.

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