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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Videoconferencing Without Zoom

April 2, 2020

The problem with popularity is you become a huge target. That's one reason why cyber criminals look to attack Windows and Office 365 users first. Zoom has a similar problem. Zoom has been criticized for its privacy policies for some time. However, there have been several reports in the last few weeks about Zoombombing, lack of encryption, exposing logon credentials, data transmission to Facebook, etc. for Zoom users. The explosive growth of Zoom users has drawn the attention of the bad guys. Are there alternatives?

The Verge has a post discussing other alternatives to Zoom. The suggest is to try out one of the following competitors to Zoom:

The post also identifies some other alternatives that don't necessarily have free versions. Slack and Teams are alternatives that have limited video capability, but may work well for your situation.

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