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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Windows 7 and 8.1 Finally Out of Support

January 5, 2023

Microsoft has given users plenty of warning and the day of reckoning is finally here. As The Verge reported, Microsoft will no longer provide security updates or support for versions 7 and 8.1 of Windows on January 10th. That’s less than a week away. In addition, Google will no longer provide support for Chrome running on Windows 7 or 8.1 on February 7th.

It sure sounds like a good time to upgrade to Windows 10 or 11. If you are one of the millions still running XP, 7 or 8.1, your hardware is pretty old and should be replaced as well. Don’t want to spend money for an upgrade? You could always pay Microsoft for an extra three years of security patches, but that doesn’t sound like a smart investment. Your choice, but doesn’t getting a faster machine sound like a better idea?

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