Category: General

Jan 15, 2015

Can You Keep Your Business or Law Firm Operational Following a Technology Failure?

SC Magazine posted an article revealing the results of a survey conducted by Evolve IP that addresses how confident businesses

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Jan 13, 2015

Another Lesson – Throw Out the Trash

Perhaps you are hearing your mother bellow those historic words . . . take out the trash! I’m not just

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Dec 18, 2014

2014 Legal Technology Report is Now Available

Every year, for the past twenty years, the Legal Technology Resource Center (LTRC) of the ABA publishes the results of

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Dec 01, 2014

Another Reason to Quit Smoking

Technology impacts our lives every day. Everyone knows that smoking is bad for your health, but the latest hi-tech cigarettes

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Nov 24, 2014

Tech Toys for the Holidays

I would be remiss if I didn’t plug the podcast that Sharon does with Jim Calloway dealing with technology toys

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Oct 14, 2014

Data Breach Nightmare: USB Cufflinks

Some things are pretty cool and some things just scare you to death. French cuff shirts are a sign of

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Sep 30, 2014

The Enemy Within: Beware the Disgruntled Employee

An interesting post at naked security reminds us that internal threats can be just as bad as hackers infiltrating our

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Jul 10, 2014

1981 Video of a Law Office: No Computers But Lots of Cigarettes!

If you have a spare 23 minutes and 29 seconds, check out the video at Above The Law. The video

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Jul 09, 2014

Everything Google: Pushing Android for TVs, Cars, Watches, Smart Appliances

Yesterday I stood on my box and criticized the Internet of Everything. It’s obvious that Google doesn’t agree with me

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Jun 13, 2014

How Inefficient Can You Be? The Secret and Silent Killer of Law Firms

Parents of a certain age bite their tongues when they see younger adults being disrespectful and essentially lazy in the

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May 18, 2014

Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue.

We’re back with another blog for Sensei Enterprises. We’ll attempt to educate through posts about security, smartphones, computers, digital access

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