Category: Security

Apr 22, 2021

SonicWall Users Patch Now!

According to a Dark Reading post, SonicWall zero day vulnerabilities are under attack. The vulnerabilities exist in SonicWall Email Security (ES).

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Apr 20, 2021

Geico Customers Beware

Another day, another data breach. TechCrunch reported that Geico suffered a data breach and exposed customers’ drivers license numbers for months. Geico

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Apr 07, 2021

Find Out if You are a Screwed Facebook User

Well, that title is totally redundant. It should appear obvious that you are already screwed just by creating a Facebook

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Apr 05, 2021

Stupid is as Stupid Does

Forrest Gump must have gotten it right. The weakest link in any security program is a human being. No matter

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Mar 29, 2021

The Power of 2FA

I really miss the days of muscle cars. At the risk of revealing a security question, my first car was

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Mar 23, 2021

REvil Really is Evil

REvil Really is Evil REvil is one nasty ransomware group. Bleeping Computer has reported that the REvil ransomware now has a Windows Safe

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Mar 18, 2021

Clear Saved Passwords Stored in Firefox

We’ve told audiences all along not to save passwords in a browser. Use a separate password manager instead. Unfortunately, a

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Mar 17, 2021

One Click Exchange Mitigation Tool Released

The latest news in the tech world is the constant attacks on Microsoft Exchange servers. There are still thousands of

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Mar 15, 2021

Encryption Protects Data Unless It Doesn’t

We are constantly telling folks that encryption is your friend. Encrypting data will protect it from unauthorized access. That’s why

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Mar 11, 2021

Patch Tuesday Fixes a Ton of Vulnerabilities

Once a month Microsoft releases updates on what is known as “patch Tuesday.” As reported by Threatpost, this month’s patch Tuesday fixes

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Mar 09, 2021

Apple Releases Security Updates

If you own an Apple device, it’s definitely due for the installation of an update. TechCrunch reported that Apple has released security

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Mar 08, 2021

New Security Features for Microsoft Server 2022

Microsoft Ignite 2021 brought many new announcements for future Microsoft technology. One of those announcements concerns the next version of

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