Category: Security

Sep 25, 2014

Bring Your Own Disaster

Mobile devices certainly carry the potential to make for a more efficient workforce. Unfortunately, the employees think they know more

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Sep 17, 2014

What is the Right Pentest Frequency?

We are frequently asked this question by our clients and friends. Fortunately, ZDNet has a good post to help answer

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Sep 16, 2014

Should You Use a Password Manager?

Like a lot of security professionals, I believe that you should use complex passwords and a different password for each

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Sep 15, 2014

Google’s Security Focus

There is something about the image of kicking a hornet’s nest. You probably realize it was a really bad decision

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Sep 11, 2014

Change Your E-Mail Password

Another day, another data breach. This time, it appears that that five million user IDs and passwords have been posted

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Sep 10, 2014

Don’t Forget About Patch Tuesday

Well, it’s Wednesday now and hopefully you have installed all your Windows patches for patch Tuesday. There are a lot

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Sep 04, 2014

How iCloud Really Works

The Register came out blasting Apple for their lame excuse saying that if the celebrities had used two-factor authentication their

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Sep 03, 2014

Should you Trust the Cloud?

It’s a question that gets asked a lot. The latest news has Apple and the FBI investigating a hacking incident,

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Aug 26, 2014

Another Ransomware Variant

There are some real nasty versions of malware out there. SC Magazine is reporting that a variant of the Reveton

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Aug 25, 2014

Beware of Keyloggers

Will somebody please listen? We’ve given hundreds of CLEs where we warn the attendees about the dangers of using computers

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Aug 22, 2014

A Blow to BYOD?

I’ve never been a fan of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) and see it as Bring Your Own Disaster. One

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Aug 19, 2014

Update to Botched Windows Patch

Yesterday I mentioned that there are reports of BSOD events after installing a recent Microsoft patch. InfoWorld is now reporting

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