Category: Software

Apr 21, 2020

Remote Access and Video Conferencing

The coronavirus pandemic has forced the usage of video conferencing to soar through the roof. Most of us are using

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Apr 09, 2020

Are VPNs Safe?

As more and more of us are working remotely, Virtual Private Network (VPN) usage has shot through the roof. VPNs

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Apr 08, 2020

Restoring Accidentally Closed Tabs in Chrome

Sometimes we get a little "click happy" and close browser tabs when we really didn't want to. It's pretty well

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Apr 07, 2020

To Zoom or Not to Zoom – That is the Question

Zoom is currently in the media crosshairs as problems are discovered with its security and privacy practices. Should you be

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Apr 06, 2020

Microsoft Edges Out Firefox

Don't blame me for a bad pun. Bleeping Computer cited a report by NetMarketShare showing that Microsoft Edge is now

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Mar 31, 2020

Zoom Virtual Backgrounds

Many of us are working from home and starting to suffer a little cabin fever. The usage of Zoom has

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Mar 25, 2020

Cheat Sheet for Microsoft Teams

More and more of us are now working from home and using remote tools to collaborate and communicate with others.

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Mar 18, 2020

Adobe Releases New Updates

You should be installing updates to your computer for your operating system and all of your applications too. Adobe has

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Mar 12, 2020

FBI Advice – Don’t Save Passwords in a Browser

We've been giving this recommendation for years. It is very convenient to have your browser remember logon credentials, but do

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Jan 09, 2020

Y2K Bug Raises Its Ugly Head

The year 2000 is twenty years in the rear view mirror but apparently there are still some bugs left over

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Jan 07, 2020

Free Windows Software Downloads from 15 Trustworthy Websites

There are so many websites out there that claim to offer free software. The problem is that the software comes

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Jan 06, 2020

End of Life in 2020 for Microsoft Products

The big news is the end of life for Windows 7 this month. That means no more support unless you

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