Category: Software

Dec 18, 2019

SMBs Out of Luck with Windows 7

The office end of support for Windows 7 is right around the corner. That date is January 14, 2020. However,

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Dec 16, 2019

Message Recall for Office 365 Coming to Exchange Online

We've all seen it. Someone sends a message that they really didn't want to send, especially to a distribution list

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Dec 05, 2019

VPNs Can’t Protect Against All Threats

Virtual private networks (VPN) are a great thing to protect your data transmissions and even shield your identity and location.

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Dec 02, 2019

Give a Password Manager for Christmas

Looking for a unique gift for someone that pretty much has everything? Consider giving them a password manager this Christmas

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Nov 14, 2019

Brave – Another Browser for Your Toolkit

Brave is a privacy-focused browser and just came out of beta with its 1.0 version. It is available for Windows,

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Oct 23, 2019

NordVPN User? – Consider a Change

If you haven't heard yet, NordVPN disclosed that there was a data breach which compromised at least one of its

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Oct 16, 2019

Where Did iTunes Go?

Apple finally made good on its promise to kill iTunes. At least it's no longer available on Apple products running

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Sep 24, 2019

Stop Using Internet Explorer

There are all sorts of studies that show usage of Microsoft's Internet Explorer (IE) browser is very low. However, there

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Jul 16, 2019

Update Your Logitech Wireless Keyboards/Mice

Actually, the update is intended for the wireless dongle. Devices sold prior to 2016 are vulnerable to the MouseJack attack.

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Jul 15, 2019

Malwarebytes Changes Licensing Terms

When Malwarebytes was first released, you could pay for a lifetime premium license for free without real-time protection. Bleeping Computer

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Jul 10, 2019

Mac Users: Uninstall Zoom

Beware, if you are a Mac user and installed the Zoom video conferencing software. Several sources have reported a flaw

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Jul 08, 2019

How Fast is Your Internet Access?

Your internet service provider (ISP) charges you for internet access up to some particular speed. As an example, you may

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