Category: Windows

Jan 19, 2017

Microsoft Can’t Keep Windows 7 Secure

Yet again, another reason to move to Windows 10. In a recent blog post, Microsoft Germany blasted its own operating

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Jan 11, 2017

Microsoft Changing Windows 10 Privacy Controls

One of the big complaints about Windows 10 concerns privacy and the amount and type of data Microsoft collects by

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Jan 10, 2017

Finally – Windows 10 Lets You Defer Updates

One of the major complaints about Windows 10 is that updates are shoved down your throat. Previously, you had the

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Jan 03, 2017

Welcome 2017 and the Green Screen of Death

Say it isn't so. For years Windows users are used to severe errors throwing up a Blue Screen of Death

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Dec 06, 2016

Surface Pro 5 is a MacBook Pro Alternative

Microsoft hasn't actually announced a Surface 5, but the rumor mill is very active. BGR reports that a Surface Pro

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Nov 30, 2016

Bypass BitLocker with Simple Key Combination

BitLocker is a very good encryption method included free with Windows 10. However, Microsoft needs to fix a recently discovered

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Nov 28, 2016

Reveal Saved Wi-Fi Passwords on Your Windows Computer

Ever wonder what that password was for the Wi-Fi network that you saved on your Windows computer? First off, you

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Nov 15, 2016

Windows 10 Recovery Drives Made Easy

Besides not having a current backup, the next worst thing is not being able to reload your operating system if

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Nov 10, 2016

Tired of Chrome Closing Without a Warning Box?

I'll have to admit that I have inadvertently clicked on the red X in Chrome and mistakenly shut it down

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Nov 09, 2016

Microsoft Fixes Security Flaw Being Exploited by Russian Hackers

Last week, I wrote about Google throwing Microsoft under the bus for not fixing a critical vulnerability fast enough. It

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Nov 02, 2016

Increase Productivity with Four Windows 10 Tools

We are all looking to get more done in less time. PCWorld has identified 4 Windows 10 tools that can

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Nov 01, 2016

Google Throws Microsoft Under the Bus

Google publicly disclosed a zero day vulnerability in Windows and Microsoft isn't happy. According to ars technica, "The bug being

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