Your IT Consultant

Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Recent Posts

Mar 11, 2021

Patch Tuesday Fixes a Ton of Vulnerabilities

Once a month Microsoft releases updates on what is known as “patch Tuesday.” As reported by Threatpost, this month’s patch Tuesday fixes

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Mar 10, 2021

T-Mobile Users Beware: You Are the Product

I have never been a fan of T-Mobile and now there’s another reason to increase that distance. Ars Technica reported that T-Mobile

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Mar 09, 2021

Apple Releases Security Updates

If you own an Apple device, it’s definitely due for the installation of an update. TechCrunch reported that Apple has released security

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Mar 08, 2021

New Security Features for Microsoft Server 2022

Microsoft Ignite 2021 brought many new announcements for future Microsoft technology. One of those announcements concerns the next version of

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Mar 04, 2021

Chinese Group Attacking Unpatched Exchange Servers

If you still have an Exchange server on-premises, patch it now! Graham Cluley reported that Microsoft has released an emergency update that

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Mar 03, 2021

Microsoft Teams Next Up with End-To-End Encryption

So far, Webex and Zoom are the only video conferencing platforms that offer end-to-end encryption (E2EE). According to a report in Bleeping

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Mar 02, 2021

Reset Your Network Settings on Android Devices

Sometimes network speeds crawl like molasses. Sometimes Wi-Fi connections suddenly drop or the WiFi network doesn’t show up at all.

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Mar 01, 2021

Simplified or Classic Office Ribbon – Your Choice

One of the things Microsoft Office users gripe about is the change from menus to the ribbon. Hopefully, we’re all

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Feb 25, 2021

Zoom Fatigue and How to Combat It

It’s been almost a year since we’ve been under “house arrest” and working from home as a result of the

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Feb 24, 2021

Transfer LastPass Data to Another Password Manager

LastPass has announced restrictions for the free version forcing users to pick a single device type (computer or mobile) going

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Feb 23, 2021

Word to Get Text Prediction in March

Microsoft is scheduled to release a text prediction feature for Word next month according to a post at The Verge. Apparently, the

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Feb 22, 2021

One-Time Purchase of Office 2021 Coming

According to a BGR post, Microsoft will release a non-subscription version of Office 2021 for Windows and Mac users later this

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