Category: Apple

Sep 30, 2019

Researcher Claims to Discover Unpatchable iOS Bug

The worst nightmare of a tech company? Discovery that its product design has a flaw that can't be fixed without

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Sep 26, 2019

Killer Camera for Galaxy S11

Smartphone cameras are getting better and better. The latest generation of the iPhone (11 Pro & 11 Pro Max) sports

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Sep 25, 2019

Gmail Dark Mode

Have you noticed that application developers are all rushing to release a dark mode version of their apps? Google has

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Sep 12, 2019

Multiple User Accounts on an iPad?

Educational institutions can use Apple's "Shared iPad for Education" feature to allow multiple students to share a single iPad device.

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Sep 09, 2019

Running Windows 10 on a Mac

Despite what Apple wants you to believe, the business world does not run on its products. Windows is still the

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Aug 29, 2019

Your MacBook Pro May Not Be Allowed to Fly

Apple recalled the 2015 MacBook Pro because the battery "may pose a fire safety risk." In other words, the battery

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Aug 27, 2019

Apple Issues Fix for What it Broke

Apple devices are constantly being attacked. The major goal is to successfully jailbreak a device to gain access to the

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Aug 15, 2019

FAA Bans Some MacBook Pros From Flying

If you own a MacBook Pro, you may not be able to legally take it for an airplane ride. The

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Aug 13, 2019

Google Project Zero Exposes iPhone Vulnerabilities

Nothing is totally secure. Project Zero, Google's team of elite hackers tasked with finding vulnerabilities in competitors' (and Google) products,

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Jul 31, 2019

A Malformed iMessage Can Pwn Your iOS Device

Apple users beware. Google security researchers have found a vulnerability in iOS that allows remote attackers access to iPhones and

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Jul 29, 2019

Siri Sends Accident Recordings to Contractors

First it was Google and Amazon and now Apple is in the crosshairs. The Guardian reported that Apple contractors regularly

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Jul 16, 2019

Update Your Logitech Wireless Keyboards/Mice

Actually, the update is intended for the wireless dongle. Devices sold prior to 2016 are vulnerable to the MouseJack attack.

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